مركز السلام الإسلامي يقدم
What we Offer
الدروس الحالية


Books for Adults
Walk through our garden of books to learn more about Allah, about ourselves and how to live the best life in this world to reach the everlasting gardens of Paradise.

Children – Books
A precious collection of books for our little ones to know and love Allah, His Book, His Deen and His Messenger.

Teacher Manuals
Enjoy teaching and learning with these precious resources for Names of Allah, Stories from the Qur’an and Surahs from the Qur’an for all ages.
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Get in touch
The center is open everyday from 7am to 7pm.
You are welcome to visit anytime to collect books for yourself or to share with others.
By the vast favor of Allah, the books are free of charge and are not for sale.
المركز مفتوح يوميا من الساعة السابعة صباحا إلى السابعة مساء. يتم استقبال الزوار طوال اليوم لاستلام الكتب لاستخدام الشخصي أو اهدائها للآخرين. بفضل اله الواسع جميع الكتب مجانية ولا يتم بيعها.