Women's Classes

Embark on the journey of knowledge through different programs for women. Men and boys above seven cannot listen. Notes are open for all.

Ramadan Program on App

Only for women. Men and boys above seven cannot listen.

Dawn of Guidance Program

Whether you are a beginner on this path, a new Muslim or interested in Islam, soak in the first rays of guidance in a cozy, peaceful environment. 

Understanding Islam

Onsite only

Who is Allah?

Onsite & Online

Valley Program

Onsite & Online

A special program for beginners to soak in showers of divine knowledge. 

Live with the Prophet's Way

Recite in the Name of your Lord

Who is Allah?

Essentials of Islam - beginners

Forty hadiths of Imam An Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him)

Balance in Islam - Balance in Ramadan

Good Tree Program

Onsite & Online

An advanced program for students of knowledge to nourish their roots with faith, grow with strong branches of worship to bring our sweet fruits of good manners. 

Live with the Qur'an - Surah Al Qasas

Love of Allah & His Messenger (ﷺ)

Concise in Fiqh

Qur’anic & Prophetic Nurturing Program – Surah Al Mursalat

Lantern Program

Onsite & Online

In in-depth program for students of knowledge where knowledge is displayed in a contemplative way.

Most Beautiful Names of Allah

Live with the Qur’an - Surah Aal Imraan

Complete Principles for the Most Beautiful Names of Allah – القواعد المثلى لأسماء الله الحسنى

علوم القرآن

قرآنا عربيا

علوم الحديث

في المركز وعن  بعد

دروس باللغة العربية

مدارج السالكين

أسماء الله الحسنى

عش مع القرآن – سورة آل عمران

عش مع الهدي النبوي

عش مع القرآن – سورة الزخرف

أسماء الله الحسنى من قصص القرآن

المختصر في الفقه

أدعية من القرآن

صحيح البخاري

Support Courses

Tajweed made easy

Recordings available

Recite the Qur'an - Level 1

Onsite only

Recite the Qur'an - Level 2

Onsite only

Recite the Qur'an - On-on-one

Onsite only

Language Courses

Russian - Essentials of Islam Основы Ислама

Onsite & Online

French - Essentials of Islam La foi musulmane

Onsite & Online

Tagalog - Essentials of Islam MGA MAHAHALAGA SA ISLAM!

Onsite & Online

Portuguese (Português) - Essentials of Islam (O Essencial para todo muçulmano)

Online only

Spanish - Essentials of Islam Fundamentos del Islam

Online only

Urdu - Most Beautiful Names of Allah اللہ تعالیٰ کے خوبصورت نام

Onsite & Online

Persian - فارسي - اساسيات اسلام - Essentials of Islam

Online only

Turkish (Türkçe) - Essentials of Islam slam'ın Esasları

Onsite & Online

Malayalam മലയാളം - Most Beautiful Names of Allah അല്ലാഹുവിൻ്റെ തിരുനാമങ്ങൾ

Online only

German - Names of Allah Die schönsten Namen Allahs

Online only

German - Essentials of Islam Grundlagen des Islam

Online only

Girls Courses

QPNP (Qur’anic & Prophetic Nurturing Program) – Surah An Naziaat

Ages 13+

Love of Allah & His Messenger (ﷺ)

Ages 9 to 12

QPNP (Qur’anic & Prophetic Nurturing Program) – Surah Al Fatiha

Ages 9 to 12

Recite the Qur'an

Ages 6 to 8

Garden of the Names of Allah

Ages 6 to 8

دروس للبنات

التربية القرآنية والنبوية - نرتقي ونعلو معا مع سورة الأعلى

الأعمار 6 إلى 12

روضة أسماء الله الحسنى

الأعمار 13 إلى 15

حياتي الحقيقية

الأعمار 16 وما فوق ​

Only for women. Men and boys above seven cannot listen.

Location - العنوان