Fall 2024

Embark on the journey of knowledge through different programs.  

Valley Courses

Valley Program is for beginners in the path of knowledge. 

Live with the Prophet’s Way
Live with the Prophet’s Way

محبة النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم و ربطه في حياتنا من خلال سيرته و أخلاقه و تعاملاته

To love the Prophet (ﷺ) and connect his life to ours by learning his biography, manners and treatment of others.


Recite in the Name of you Lord
Recite in the Name of your Lord

سلسلة تفسير مبسط للجزء الثلاثين مع تدبر الآيات وقراءة تربية الله من خلال الآيات

A simplified explanation of the final part of the Qur’an, while contemplating its verses and recognizing the nurturing of Allah in these verses.

Free of charge. Walk in.


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Good Tree Courses

Good Tree program is for students of knowledge.

Surah Al Qasas
Live with the Qur'an - Surah Al Qasas

In this course, we ponder Surah Al Qasas with regards to extracting the Most Beautiful Names of Allah, pillars of faith, worships, manners and how to face inner and outer challenges.


Love of Allah & His Messenger (ﷺ)
Love of Allah & His Messenger (ﷺ)

In this distinct series, we learn the Most Beautiful Names of Allah in an organized manner by learning the meaning of the Name in the language and religion. We also look at the ayat and hadiths where the Name is mentioned and how this Name affects our manners and the challenges we can face until we reach loving Allah and His Messenger (ﷺ).


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Lantern Courses

Lantern program is for advanced students of knowledge where knowledge is displayed in a contemplative way.